Watermelon, lychee and mint refresher recipe

Posted on March 4, 2013


So summer has officially ended and sadly, that means the days are getting shorter. Best we make use of the evening sun before it disappears for the next few months. I’m kicking back with a chilled watermelon, lychee and mint drink and a book as the sun prepares to set for the day.


I don’t usually drink juice. Mostly because if I want the fruit, I’d rather just eat it, not pulverise it. I made an exception this time round, because the watermelon in my fridge was a little past its prime. It’s lost its crunch, so I’m liquidising it to neutralise the problem. The lychees and mint were added because the flavours go well together.


RECIPE – Watermelon, lychee and mint refresher (makes just under 1L)


  • ~2 cups chopped seedless watermelon
  • 8 lychees, seeded if fresh
  • 1 cup syrup from canned lychee
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • handful of fresh mint leaves washed and choppedIMG_6100


  1. In a blender, blitz ingredients together until they are liquified and well mixed.
  2. Garnish with some mint leaves and enjoy immediately.IMG_6109

This just tastes like summer. Sweet and refreshing. Good with a dash of vodka if you wanted something a bit cheekier.